의료사이트 퀴즈정답/인터엠디 퀴즈 정답

2023년 8월 2일 인터엠디(interMD) "척추 관절염의 영상소견" e-test 정답

닥터리의 리키피디아(Leekipedia) 2023. 8. 7. 12:41

1. SpA or not?

- 25/M

- left foot pain, left hip pain

- O/S) 내원 2개월전

- CRP 1.4mg/l (Normal; 0~0.3)

- HLA-B27 (+)

1) O

2) X

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nr-axSpA 입니다.

ㆍnr-axSpA can be detected using MRI

- Grade 0 or 1 lesions on modified NY criteria for AS(1)

- Active inflammation of SI joints can be identified years before the appearance of radiographic sacroiliitis(1-6)


1. Rudwaleit M, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2009;68:777-783.

2. Maksymowych W, et al. Arthritis Rheum 2009;60:93-102.

3. Sieper J, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2009;68 (suppl II):ii1-ii44.

4. Colbert R. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2010;22(5):603-607.

5. Bennett AN, et al. Arthritis Rheum 2008;11:3413-3418.

6. Oostveen J, et al. J Rheumatol 1999;26:1953-1958.

2. SpA or not?

- 39/F

- Lower back pain

- O/S) 5년전 출산후

- CRP 0 mg/l (Normal; 0~0.3)

- HLA-B27 (+)

1) O

2) X

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Osteitis condensans ilii (OCI)입니다.

ㆍMechanical stress with increased vascularity on the SI joints during pregnancy

ㆍAlmost exclusively in women

ㆍUsually bilateral & symmetrical

ㆍWell-defined triangular sclerosis along the iliac side

ㆍJoint space is not affected.

ㆍHLA-B27(+); 8%

3. SpA or not?

- 58/F. low back pain (25년전)

1) SpA

2) not SpA

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nr-axSpA 입니다. Long standing non-radiographic axial SpA중에는 spine의 변화가 뚜렷한 경우가 있습니다.

ㆍ185 Patients with long-standing nr-axSpA

ㆍSpinal inflammation on MRI might be observed in half of patients with nr-axSpA without SI inflammation

4. 다음 사진들의 진단명은 무엇일까요? 52세 여자환자이고, F/U중입니다.

1) RA

2) AS

3) OA

4) Gout


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C-spine, L-spine에서 squaring 소견이 보이는 cervical, lower thoracic and entire lumbar spine에 보입니다. 양측에 grade 3의 sacroiliitis 소견이 보입니다.
